What health advise can you give?
What health advise can you give?
We give over the phone and over the counter advice for acute short-term ailments. E.g., injuries, coughs, colds, flus, sore throats, amongst others. For anything chronic & long-standing, we will refer you to a practitioner for a full consultation.
How can I book a consultation?
How can I book a consultation?
All Practitioners at our Pharmacy are self-employed. Please visit the Practitioner page and contact them directlyPractitioners - Nelson Pharmacies Limited (nelsonspharmacy.com)
What is Homeopathy?
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a complementary system of holistic medicine using natural & sustainable remedies given with the aim to trigger the body’s natural healing mechanisms. A Homeopath will consider the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of a person and prescribe a remedy on an individual case by case basis.
Can you advise on my existing prescription?
Can you advise on my existing prescription?
We are unable to comment on an existing prescription. Please contact the original prescribing Practitioner for any queries.
Can I take Homeopathy alongside my other prescriptions?
Can I take Homeopathy alongside my other prescriptions?
Homeopathy is safe alongside pharmaceutical medications and herbal supplements. Always consult your Healthcare Practitioner or Pharmacist for further information.
Can I mix different Bach Flower Remedies together?
Can I mix different Bach Flower Remedies together?
Yes, you can mix up to 7 remedies together to create a personalized blend for your emotional state.