Photo Of Practitioner Francesca

Francesca Provenzano


Francesca is a registered Homeopath who has been in practice for 18 years. 

She was inspired to re-train and pursue Homeopathy at degree level after being so impressed by the positive effects it had on her own health after suffering from various health issues including a Chalazion and sinusitis since early childhood. She hasn’t looked back and is happy to say that her health issues have completely resolved with the use of homeopathic treatment. 

In her own practice she has helped people of all ages and specialises in autoimmune and chronic health conditions including skin, hormonal, respiratory and digestive disorders. 

Francesca is also a passionate advocate for mental health and has been supporting patients with mental health conditions since 2011 at the charity MIND.

Her cases are assessed with an individualised multidisciplinary approach, drawing on Classical Homeopathy and therapeutic remedies alongside selected supplements, tinctures and detoxification where needed.
