Photo Of Practitioner David-Owen

Dr. David Owen


Dr David Owen has been practicing medicine and integrated complementary and alternative medicine for 30 years. From his training he became aware of the limitations of conventional approaches for many patients and their illnesses and he became committed to exploring different therapeutic systems to help patients in their self-healing. He says:‘If you think of a patient’s journey into illness it sometimes happens over a number of years, in some ways the healing process has to be a reverse of this and it can take a tenth of the time the patient has been ill to recover.

David Owen is a past president of the Faculty of Homeopathy, the professional organisation for doctors and health professionals working with Homeopathy and was co-founder of the holistic physicians’ training group, a course for training doctors and vets in homeopathy and complementary medicine.

David has spent much time working towards the integration of different approaches to healthcare. He was asked to speak about this and his view of where this is going for The Faculty of Homeopathy. To listen to his short You Tube clip, click here

He has much experience of teaching and over a number of years had been contributing to the training of doctors at the Medical School in Southampton University where he was, up until the end of 2018,  a Principle Clinical Teaching Fellow one day a week.

David Owen has edited a leading textbook on homeopathic medicine (The Principles and Practice of Homeopathy. He has written about his journey into a more holistic complementary medical approach to patient care in Passionate Medicine (Robin Shohet. 2005 Jessica Kingsley Publishers) and has been influential in the field of introducing clinical supervision for doctors in practice, exploring and supporting doctors to learn from cases that they find most challenging.He has contributed to Clinical Supervision in the Medical Profession (2012 Open University Press).

David comments that a good medical consultation is therapeutic in its own right and has seen much evidence for patients obtaining dramatic results from complementary medicines that he is committed to making more widely available.

He is a longstanding member of the British Society of Environmental Medicine which brings together his interest in nutritional medicine along with allergies and sensitivities to food, chemicals and inhalants. He works with many patients with these sensitivities.

He says:‘it is truly remarkable that the right homeopathic remedy when supported with appropriate nutritional herbal remedies for organ and tissue support can shift chronic or longstanding illness which falls away from patient and you observe their journey into wellbeing’.

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